All the articles I've posted.
半瓶水的 NAS 硬件升级草案
Published at at 08:40 PM at 08:38 PM我目前的 NAS 是由一台 8 年前的旧电脑改造而成的。现在打算更换硬件,参考了一些别人的方案,并调研了比较流行的 NAS 硬件。在此记录一下,也供有需要的人参考。
My unRAID Usage Report
Published at at 03:16 PM at 02:10 PMunRAID is a home NAS system, and it's also my first time using a NAS. Because some friends are using it, I didn't consider other NAS systems. It has been running stably for many years with an excellent user experience, so I'm recording this to share with others.
No front-end required, 2 APIs implement OAuth authentication
Published at at 03:34 PMI've seen too many OAuth flows designed by developers, and many of them actually require frontend involvement. Rendering the frontend page itself is already a complex process, yet they still repeatedly render pages, resulting in extremely poor performance, poor readability, and a waste of manpower. I really can't stand it anymore.
The easiest way to print a specific area (element) of an HTML page
Published at at 10:19 AM at 05:09 PMThe easiest way to print a specific area of an HTML page.
How to Implement Infinite Scrolling with an Ant Design Table
Published at at 08:29 PM at 08:29 PMThis article will guide you on how to implement infinite scrolling in an Ant Design Table.